Maintain and Master with Tiffany *for existing wwmo clients*

Maintain and Master with Tiffany *for existing wwmo clients*


Maintain and Master


Thursday, April 18, April 25, May 2, May 9th (4 weeks) 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Location: WWMO Facility - 2565 Dunrobin Road. This advanced class is for current or past private or Board and Train clients of WWMO. Current students should have a handle on the foundation skills and be ready to work around other dogs, people and varying distractions. Students will continue to build on their training by adding and advancing the distractions, distance and duration through drills. You will work on: place command, sit stays, down stays, leash walking drills, handler engagement and more. Reactive dogs are welcome (and encouraged to join) providing they are ready to practice the above skills around other dogs and people. This class is a safe place to continue to build neutrality with your dog. Reactive dogs and handlers should have some prior experience working around triggers, as space between participants may be as close as 5-10 feet at times.

If you’re unsure if your reactive dog is ready to participate, reach out to your trainer or Tiffany (@walkwithmetiff on Instagram) or by email

Work on:

- Building reliability in your obedience commands

- Play around distractions

- Neutrality to dogs and people

- Engagement and focus from your dog

- Improving your confidence with your dog and your training

- Working towards new milestones in your training

- Training for real-world scenarios (ex. patio season, sport classes, store excursions, etc.)

and more!

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